
New courses announced!

The Virtual Institute of Genealogical Research would like to announce four new courses for next year.

F. Warren Bittner, CG, “Reading German I: The ABCs of Gothic,” 23 February, 2 March, 9 March, and 16 March 2015

F. Warren Bittner, CG, “Reading German II: Reading German Church Books,” 13 April, 20 April, 27 April, and 4 May 2015

Craig R. Scott, CG, “A Day in the Revolution: Researching Your Soldier,” 1 August and 8 August 2015

D. Joshua Taylor, “New England Research: Has It All Been Done?,” 7 November and 14 November 2015

The courses with Craig Scott on the American Revolution and Josh Taylor on research in New England will follow the familiar Saturday-morning format. We look forward to both of these courses. More details will be announced as the course dates draw near.

The two German courses with Warren Bittner, however, will run a little bit differently. Because the courses will have more practical work with old documents, it has been split into four days with just one lecture each rather than two days with two lectures. It will also be held on Monday evenings rather than Saturday mornings.

Welcome, Warren, Craig, and Josh to the Virtual Institute!