Celebrate the Back to School season with new course recordings from recent Virtual Institute courses!
From Friday, September 2, 2016, through Friday, September 30, 2016, you can save 10% on all purchases of course recordings. Just enter the coupon code “B2SCHOOL” (without the quotes) at checkout to apply the discount.
While you’re looking at our recordings, be sure to also take a look at our upcoming live courses. We have courses scheduled this fall focusing on Italian genealogy, copyright law, and online research.
We currently have recorded courses available from some of the best genealogical instructors working today:
- Blaine Bettinger, PhD, JD, “(Finally!) Understanding Autosomal DNA“
- Blaine Bettinger, PhD, JD, “Genetic Genealogy for Professional Genealogists“
- Blaine Bettinger, PhD, JD, “Third-Party Tools for Genetic Genealogists“
- F. Warren Bittner, CG, “Reading German I: The ABCs of Gothic“
- F. Warren Bittner, CG, “Reading German II: Introduction to German Church Books“
- F. Warren Bittner, CG, “Reading German III: Fraktur, Civil Records, and Pre-Printed Forms“
- F. Warren Bittner, CG, “Genealogical Evidence and Proof”
- Billie Stone Fogarty, M. Ed. and Rick Fogarty, “Verifying the Family Legend of Native American Ancestry“
- Michael Hait, CG, “Writing Logical Proof Arguments“
- Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD, MA, CG, “Learning About Your Ancestor Through Culture and Folkways”
- Melanie Holtz, CG, and Melissa Johnson, CG, “Genealogical Applications of Dual Citizenship: Italian-American and Irish-American“
- Nancy C. Levin, CG, “Jewish Family History Research I“
- J. Mark Lowe, CG, FUGA, “Preparing the Field: Understanding the Agricultural Records of our Ancestors“
- Angela Packer McGhie, “Digging in Federal Land Records“
- Paul Milner, “An In-Depth Look at the ‘Big Four’ Records of English Research“
- Donna Moughty, “Strategies for Finding Your Irish Ancestors“
- Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL, “Professional Genealogy I: Your Plan for a Genealogical Business”
- Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL, “Professional Genealogy II: Becoming a Better Professional Researcher”
- Craig Roberts Scott, CG, FUGA, “A Day in the Revolution: Researching Your Soldier“
- Craig Roberts Scott, CG, FUGA, “A Day in the War of 1812: Researching Your Ancestor”
- Craig Roberts Scott, CG, FUGA, “A Day in the First World War: Researching Your Ancestor”
- Michael L. Strauss, AG, “Drafted, Deserted, and Volunteered: A Comprehensive Study of your Civil War Ancestors”
- D. Joshua Taylor, “New England Research: Has It All Been Done?”
- Maureen Taylor, “Family Photographs: Identifying, Preserving, and Sharing Your Visual Heritage“
Each recording package contains all six hours of instruction as well as all syllabus material and all practical assignments.
For more information and to purchase some of these recordings, visit https://www.vigrgenealogy.com/store