

Visit regularly to see our upcoming course schedule:

24–31 January 2015:
J. Mark Lowe, CG, FUGA
“Preparing the Field: Understanding the Agricultural Records of our Ancestors”
Click here for more details

21–28 February 2015:
Maureen Taylor
“Family Photographs: Identifying, Preserving, and Sharing Your Visual Heritage”
Click here for more details

23 February, 2 March, 9 March, and 16 March 2015:
F. Warren Bittner, CG
“Reading German I: The ABCs of Gothic”
Registration coming soon!

7–14 March 2015:
Donna Moughty
“Strategies for Finding Your Irish Ancestors”
Registration coming soon!

21–28 March 2015:
Blaine Bettinger
“(Finally!) Understanding Autosomal DNA”
Registration coming soon!

13 April, 20 April, 27 April, and 4 May 2015:
F. Warren Bittner, CG
“Reading German II: Reading German Church Books”
Registration coming soon!

18–25 April 2015:
Billie Stone Fogarty and Rick Fogarty
“Verifying the Family Legend of Native American Ancestry”
Registration coming soon!

2–9 May 2015:
Melanie D. Holtz, CG and Melissa Johnson
“Genealogical Applications of Dual Citizenship: Italian-American and Irish-American”
Registration coming soon!

30 May–6 June 2015:
Paul Milner
“An In-Depth Look at the ‘Big Four’ Records of English Research”
Registration coming soon!

1–8 August 2015:
Craig R. Scott, CG
“A Day in the Revolution: Researching Your Soldier”
Registration coming soon!

19–26 September 2015:
Angela McGhie
“Digging in Federal Land Records”
Registration coming soon!

7–14 November 2015:
D. Joshua Taylor
“New England Research: Has It All Been Done?”
Registration coming soon!