
LaDonna Garner, M.A., R.V.T., “Where Thou May Rest: Researching Cemeteries for Genealogy, Part II”

“Where Thou May Rest: Researching Cemeteries for Genealogy, Part II”

LaDonna Garner, M.A., R.V.T.

Recording $69.99



Not every visit to the cemetery is an immediate gold mine of information for the family history book. This course will explore various scenarios and offer alternative actions to implement when cemeteries are prohibited from sharing the stories of their inhabitants through eminent domain, record loss, destruction, or access.

LaDonna Garner, M.A., is a consultant in Southeast Missouri. She has earned an M.A. in Historic Preservation and focuses on forgotten communities and cemetery preservation. She has held various genealogical society positions including vice-president, editor, fundraiser, speaker, syllabus chair, and active volunteer as well as a curator for a historic property. Her current project regards the recording and mapping of minority communities in S.E. Missouri. Garner is passionately merging genealogy and historic preservation for a greater understanding of people, places, and cultural heritage.

Course Schedule

Day One

  • Session One: “Making Use of Lesser Known Death Resources”: Headstones and death registers have a few resourceful allies to assist in the rebuilding of an ancestor’s death event.
  • Session Two: “Where Did the Stones Go?”: Explore how to locate burial information when a cemetery has been disinterred or relocated by eminent domain, vandalism, or mismanaged.

Day Two

  • Session Three: Let’s explore a timeline of epidemics and death certificate cause-of-death terminology.
  • Session Four: “Near and Far in Death”: Sometimes death occurred in the most unreachable places. Learn how to investigate death and burial records of those imprisoned, institutionalized, and left behind in foreign lands.