
Craig Roberts Scott, CG, FUGA, “A Day in the War of 1812: Researching Your Ancestor”

“A Day in the War of 1812: Researching Your Ancestor”

Craig Roberts Scott, CG, FUGA



The War of 1812, had it not been for the recent bicentennial, would be one of the forgotten wars. Learn about the war, the organizations, and the records created both during and after the war. Information may be found in multiple depositories reflecting individual service. Many combatants saw service in the local militia, the state militia, and the U.S. Army during the conflict. Compiled military service records were never created for those in the regular army. You will also learn how to compile these numerous sources to represent an individual’s full service.

Craig Roberts Scott, MA, CG, FUGA, is the author of The ‘Lost Pensions’: Settled Accounts of the Act of 6 April 1838 (Revised) and Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, Inventory 14 (Revised). He has authored seventeen books and several articles in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Family Chronicle, and other genealogical publications. He is the President and CEO of Heritage Books, Inc., a genealogical publishing firm with over 5,300 titles in print. A professional genealogical and historical researcher for more than thirty years, he specializes in the records of the National Archives. He is a member of the Company of Military Historians on the editorial board of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, and is a Director of the Association of Professional Genealogists. A faculty member for several years of the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research, Samford University and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, and recently the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh. He is the coordinator for the 3rd Annual Heritage Books Genealogical Conference and Cruise. He was awarded the Grahame T. Smallwood, Jr. Award in 2008 and UGA Silver Tray Award in 2009. He became a Fellow, Utah Genealogical Association in 2014.

Course Schedule (all times U.S. Eastern)

Day One

  • Session One: “A War on Three Fronts”: Examine the basic research strategy and the nuances of the war in each of the three campaigns: the northern campaign, the Chesapeake campaign, and the campaign in the Gulf.
  • Session Two: “The Organizations”: Examine the local militias, the state militias, and the regular Army, as well as the Navy and the privateers. This includes how they were created, how they were supplied, and what organizational or unit records were created.

Day Two

  • Session Three: “The Records Created During the War”: Examine muster rolls, payrolls, hospital records, prisoner of war records, and other sources for tracing a soldier throughout the war, including records of death and desertion.
  • Session Four: “The Records Created After the War”: Examine pension law, pension application files, pension ledgers, pension payments, and widow and orphan half pay records. Examine the complex system of bounty land during the war and the simplicity of bounty land after the war.